The city as a learning space.
Edu-City aims at the recognition, valorisation and mapping of place-based knowledge and competences of fragile adults and to use them to activate participatory practices. The Edu-City approach, based on the use of the neighborhood as educational environment, provide methods and tools to recognise territorial resources and transform them into educational opportunities. Edu-City involves five partner organisations from Palermo, Sofia, Berlin, Seville and Marseille, with expertise and practical experience in education, urbanism, social work, participatory practice, art and design through different European countries.
Bond of Union
Bond of Union is a social cooperative active in the field of education and European cooperation. Our work combines the local dimension, specifically the neighborhood Capo-Monte di Pietà of Palermo, with an international exchange dimension through the realization of European projects. BoU collaborates with local authorities, schools and private social actors to promote the participation of young people and adults through their involvement in educational activities, projects and initiatives. Furthermore we develop educational resources, as digital publications and platforms, for professionals of the educational and social sector.
Tesserae is a platform to connect critical multidisciplinary research, art, education, communication and project development. It focuses on policies and practices dealing with social justice, urban renewal, urban peripheries, community-led processes, DIY culture, migration and housing. We develop participative tools and methodologies for co-creation and commons management. Based in Berlin, Tesseræ works with local communities, independent and non-for profit organisations, as well as local, national and European institutions.
Les Têtes de l'Art
Les Têtes de l'Art is a non-profit organisation supporting and promoting participatory arts practices through committed actions at the crossroads of culture, informal education, social and solidarity-based economy. Created in 1996 with a clear local attachement to the 3rd district of Marseille, the projects carried out are more and more connected with European and Mediterranean partners so as to keep on exchanging, questionning and developing our practices.
Ideas Factory
Ideas Factory is a platform that unites active people in the country and abroad, who create threads of connection at places where they are scarce – among generations, among disciplines, between the city and the village, between citizens and municipal authorities, between “center” and “periphery“. By building bridges of interaction where they are destroyed, we believe we are creating alternatives for a world that’s getting more radicalized, more isolated in “the bubbles of the single truth”, by substituting the fear with familiarity, with exploration, with co-creation of new solutions. The Factory does that through various formats for creative interaction, from which quite specific local solutions are being born. Our initiatives Baba Residence, the Art Innovation Challenge and EMPATHEAST are our manifest for change that we need now: connection among disciplines, generations, ideas that make up the world such as we would live in: curious, nonjudgmental, creative.
Zemos98 is a group of artists and mediators who are committed to social change, the culture of participation and a critical citizenship.
We develop mediation processes that activate relationships between activists, artists, academics, foundations and public institutions. Our goal is to enhance political and cultural processes for social change. We work to develop a culture of participation that fosters forms of citizenship that are more critical of the dominant narratives. We are a cooperative and have been dedicated to cultural production and social research for more than twenty years.
Edu-City handbook is targeted to practitioners, educators, civil servants and engaged citizens who are active in processes of social inclusion and community empowerment in urban contexts. It aims at providing ideas and tools to exploit the neighborhood as an active site for mutual learning, innovation and capacity building. In the publication you find a glossary, resources, tools and the results of practices of social engagement and co-creation deriving from the background of the five partner organizations.
Download the Handbook in PDF (45MB)
Training Scheme
Edu-City training scheme supports the training of new and strongly required hybrid professional figures acting as neighborhood facilitators for processes of social engagement, co-creation and management of commons. It provides indications, mapping of competences and practical exercises useful to train “urban educators”.
It is structured in five modules, identified as key elements of a participatory practice:
OEP Compendium
Edu-City Compendium of Open Educational Practices (OEP) derived from the local activities implemented by the neighborhood facilitators in the five partner contexts. It collects experiences, methodologies and other tools that the neighborhood facilitators have used in the communities translated as educational practices.
The Community atlases are digital platforms used to visualize the information collected during the engagement and participatory actions and to support their collaborative and communication capacities. They show different elements that combine a neighborhood community as a collection of meaningful spaces, stories from the inhabitants, local initiatives, proposals and local partners.